Safety At All Times (Olusheno Song)

As part of our ongoing safety awareness drive, we have teamed up with Tate Buti and Young T with the production of a safety song named “ Olusheno”. The aim of the song is to increase safety awareness amongst our community and the Namibian nation at large. OPE being an electricity distribution and supply company, deems it necessary and importance to raise awareness and for consumers to understand the dangers of electricity and how to best use electricity safely.
It is well understood that electricity is a major driver of for both social and economic development. While it is a Electricity is of great assistance, but also comes with potential hazard and has to be treated with respect by users to avoid injury or death.
This includes treating electrical equipment as directed, not abusing equipment and maintaining equipment to its original standard.
To protect our consumers and the nation at large, OPE embarked on an electricity safety education drive to ensure our consumers’ homes, places of work, schools and their surroundings are safe and free from electricity hazards.
The song and video offers the basic tips to help prevent electrical accidents and educate the viewer with what to do and what to avoid.