Our Contractors | Oshakati Premier Electric

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Our Contractors

Electrical Contractors in Namibia are regulated to ensure that only persons that have suitable qualifications and experience are allowed to wire premises that will be occupied by persons or animals. It is therefore of great importance to ensure that electrical contractors used for installation work within Oshakati and the areas we operate are registered with us, as well as the local Electrical Supply Authority, to ensure the work they do is according to SABS standards and is safe. OPE will also have inspectors that will check installations and may require modifications to ensure it complies to SABS standards for the Wiring of Premises. For a list of registered Contractor please contact the offices of OPE or see below document.

Registration No. Company Name Contact Person Contact No.
OPE/2019/27 BDI Electric and Construction Ben Iyambo 081 1290 151
OPE/2019/02 Beto Trading cc Johanness Nghidishange 081 1478 555
OPE/2019/11 Casie Investment cc Tuyenikelao Abed 081 3032 085
OPE/2019/11 Casie Investment cc Tuyenikelao Abed 081 3032 085
OPE/2019/09 Cuvelai Electric cc Petrus N Hamunyela 081 1696 380
OPE/2019/37 DM Engineering Erastus Shatona 081 3359 902
OPE/2019/19 EDK Electrical Services cc David Kashivulika Ekondo 081 2400 066
OPE/2019/05 Egongo Technical Services Petrus Ndapwovanhu Fabian 081 3500 121
OPE/2019/21 Ekuva Electrical Solutions Petrus Ndapwovanhu Fabian 081 3500 121
OPE/2019/15 Electro Wave Investment cc Lukas Kaleiko 081 2576 701
OPE/2019/36 Electrolight Contractor cc Roland Ratheiser 081 1276 851
OPE/2019/03 Elektro Hinsch Contracting (PTY) Ltd Francois van der Westhuizen 081 1273 403
OPE/2019/29 Elektro Hinsch Contracting (PTY) Ltd Carl Bothma 081 1273 403
OPE/2019/20 ES Investment cc Festus Hafeni Sam 081 2214 318
OPE/2019/17 ETN Technical Services cc Ambrosius Kamerika 081 1222 554
OPE/2019/04 Faraday’s Electrical & Mechanical cc Emmanuel Wanifeni Kemanye 081 3242 584
OPE/2019/28 Faradays Investment cc Tugamena Nangolo 081 3729 309
OPE/2019/22 Forever Electrical & Construction cc Tjirare Wilson Kaveire 081 1246 969
OPE/2019/38 Heat Technician Investment Zera Twiisimanekeni 081 3818 176
OPE/2019/29 Hevita Investment Close cc Kambunga Hevita 081 3008 752
OPE/2019/01 Hue-Waldt Electrical & Construction Hueston Bradly Groenwaldt 081 1298 812
OPE/2019/32 I&O Trading Enterprises cc Merry Ann Garures 081 4467 331
OPE/2019/13 Imms Electrical Services cc Junias Iyambo 081 6534 982
OPE/2019/18 Infinity Electrical cc Oskar Kankondi 081 3500 121
OPE/2019/06 Jackals Electrical Trading Kavandje Alfeus 081 2584 383
OPE/2019/37 Jackolo Quick Serivice Electric cc Deon Coetzee 081 3870 000
OPE/2019/34 Jan Trading cc Teodor Lasarus Amadhila 081 1295 783
OPE/2019/16 Kuks Investment cc Andreanu Pedro 081 2804 423
OPE/2019/27 Light Systems Namibia cc David Kashivulika Ekondo 081 2400 066
OPE/2019/14 MH Electrical Contractors Hanabeb Mathias 081 2835 553
OPE/2019/30 MJ Construction Master cc Nestory Katewa 081 3499 187
OPE/2019/31 NBT Quality Services Bonifasiu Nghiikovali 081 2118 267
OPE/2019/08 NDJ Electrical & Construction Johannes Shapumba Lukas 081 3098 723
OPE/2019/34 Nonyameko Trading Enterprices cc Johannes Nduuviteko Shagama 081 1299 776
OPE/2019/12 Nuuyomav Electrical & Maintanance cc Junias Iyambo 081 6534 982
OPE/2019/28 O-Four Region Electrical & Gen Serv cc Matty Nehale 081 1246 969
OPE/2019/31 Omusati Electrical Construction cc Kotokeni Henocker Aluvilu 081 2398 963
OPE/2019/38 Oshana Guaranteed Electrical cc Fillemon Mwahafa 081 2356 852
OPE/2019/23 Oshana Power Lines cc Mathias Hanabeb 081 1245 322
OPE/2019/35 Power Electrical Levi Shigwedha 081 4091 347
OPE/2019/32 RH Electrical Services cc Rodney Hansen 081 2530 296
OPE/2019/10 RubyTech Engineering Investment cc Lasarus Ruben 081 3376 901
OPE/2019/33 Sarva Electro Conductor cc Simeon Shilomboleni 081 1226 753
OPE/2019/25 Saveworld Investment cc Brandt Reginald Celetinus 081 2770 888
OPE/2019/24 Sheefi Technical Services cc Fillemon Mwahafa 081 1474 715
OPE/2019/07 Shikuh Investment cc Sakaria T Shikukutu 081 2777 031
OPE/2019/36 Trek Contractors & Consultants (Pty) Ltd Tupanduleni Immanuel 081 3192 208
OPE/2019/26 Valued Electrical cc Reginald Celestinus Brandt 081 2770 888
OPE/2019/35 Voltelect Namibia cc Abraham Hendrik De Beer 081 1489 841
OPE/2019/30 Zero Six Five Electrical Service cc Andreas Amutenya 081 2754 324
OPE/2019/33 Zone Four Investment cc Cupido Craig Samuel 081 1295 279

Application And Approval

Approval of electrical contractors to undertake work in Oshakati shall be done by OPE. Electrical contractors shall apply on the prescribed form to finish general details. The application will be accompanied by a trade diploma or similar and proof of having passed the SANS 10142-01 installation rules paper 1 & 2. A listing detailing the continuity tester and earth loop impedance tester + serial numbers. Requirement may be revised as directed by ECB.

Knowledge And Experience

All contractors must ensure their employees who worked in Oshakati possess the appropriate level of technical knowledge and experience to enable them to discharge their duties safely.


Contractors who will be testing and inspecting, shall be in possession of testing compliance, and indicate tester name, model and serial numbers when applying for an electrical contractor license and yearly for renewal.

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